"How can I afford college?"
你是否发现自己在问:“我怎么才能付得起学费??” Students often question college affordability. Butte College understands that there are competing 学生生活中的优先事项,比如一边学习一边工作或照顾孩子,这些都是限制 their time. 然而,我们希望我们的学生把大学作为优先考虑的事情 investment in their future.
Butte College Promise Scholarship
Free tuition and fees for up to two years.太阳城娱乐承诺奖学金提供长达两年的免费学杂费 for first-time, full-time college students. The program is designed to support Butte’s 目标是每个学生都有能力学习一门手艺,完成一个职业计划 or transfer to a four-year college or university.
- What is it?
- 这个项目将支付新的,第一次,全日制太阳城娱乐的学杂费 students for up to two years
- Who is eligible?
- 所有第一次入学的学生,包括在校期间获得大学学分的学生
high school who:
- Are California Residents or AB540 eligible
- 在每个学期的大学人口普查日期之前完成FAFSA或CA梦想法案申请 year
- 在大学人口普查日期注册12个或以上的单元,并完成12个或以上 units with at least a 2.0 GPA per term
- 所有第一次入学的学生,包括在校期间获得大学学分的学生
high school who:
- When is the college census date?
- 一般来说,大学人口普查日期在学期的前两周之后
- Is this program really for all first-time students?
- Yes!-该奖学金不以经济需求为基础颁发-见项目资格 criteria above
- How much is this scholarship worth?
- 这一奖学金是“最后一美元”,意思是用来支付学费和学费 学生完成经济援助后剩下的费用,看看他们是否 首先有资格获得任何其他补助金,如PELL或CA大学承诺补助金
- What exactly is covered?
- 该项目包括全日制注册费用(每单元46美元)。 & fulltime “service fees” 比如交通费和医疗费(每学期119美元)
- Are books covered?
- Not at this time
- 参加特殊课程的学生的材料费是否包括在内?
- Not at this time
- How will fees be paid?
- 学生的资格一经确定,学费将获豁免. No direct cash disbursements will occur
- 修读超过12个单元的学生是否可以免学费?
- Yes!
- How long is this scholarship good for?
- The program is for up to two years. First time, full-time students starting in the 秋季学期可以连续两学年获得巴特承诺
- 学生可以从春季学期开始获得奖学金吗?
- Yes. 然而,巴特承诺只涵盖春季学期和接下来连续的两个学期 semesters (fall and spring)--excluding summer
- 报名参加暑期课程对我的太阳城娱乐承诺奖学金有什么影响?
- 参加暑期课程不会影响你获得太阳城娱乐承诺奖学金的资格. 学生有责任支付任何暑期课程的学杂费 they choose to enroll in. 太阳城娱乐承诺奖学金只涵盖主要课程 semesters in an academic year (fall and spring)
- 如果学生的成绩低于或没有完成12个单元怎么办?
- Completion of 12 units with a 2.0 GPA is a requirement. Students who don’t do so become ineligible for the next term. 那些经历了情有可原的情况的学生 在授予期限内未修满12个学分者,可申请复学
- How do students get started?
- 首次申请的学生应完成以下步骤:
- Complete the enrollment process, and
- Complete the FAFSA (for CA residents) or California Dream Act Application (对于具有AB540居住身份的学生)在大学人口普查日期之前,并且
- 在大学人口普查日期注册12个或以上的单元,并完成12个或以上 units with at least a 2.0 GPA per term
- 首次申请的学生应完成以下步骤:
- 学生需要做些什么来继续他们第二年的资格?
- Students must:
- Renew their FAFSA or California Dream Act Application by the college census date, and
- 在大学人口普查之日注册了12个或更多的单位,并且
- Have completed 12 or more units with at least a 2.0 GPA per term during their first 年,或已完成申诉的情有可原的情况下恢复
- Students must:
For more information contact:
Christine Miller
Financial Aid/Veterans Assistant Senior
California College Promise Grant
加州大学承诺助学金免除符合条件的入学费用(学费) 加州居民或拥有AB 540身份的学生.加州大学承诺助学金(CCPG)在以下情况下支付入学费用:
- 你有资格获得加州助学金或其他基于需求的经济援助,
- 您可以获得CalWORKs/TANF, SSI或一般援助(或者如果您是受抚养学生) and one of your parents receives this assistance),
- 你的家庭总收入在所列入息标准*内 here), or
- 你属于一个特殊的类别,包括退伍军人的家属.
有关加州大学承诺助学金的更多信息和细节,请访问 Financial Aid CCPG webpage.
Grant Opportunities
Federal and State Grants助学金是用来帮助支付大学学费的钱,通常是经济援助的来源
do not have to be repaid. They are awarded to students with financial need. To be
如果申请助学金,你必须填写一份经济资助申请(FAFSA or CADAA) every year you are attending college.
There are many grants offered at Butte College:
- Federal
- Pell
- State
- California College Promise Grant
- Cal Grants
- CalGrant B & C
- CalGrant Transfer Entitlement
- Students with Dependents
- Student Success Completion Grant
许多助学金每年都有资格领取的要求. For 关于太阳城娱乐提供的助学金的更多信息和细节,请查看“类型” Aid on the Financial Aid webpage.
Dash to the Rescue
帮助金融紧急情况和灾难恢复我们知道,当你们努力追求自己的教育目标、管理账单时, 工作和家庭——“生活”可以把你的注意力和优先事项从课堂上转移开. "Life" can happen in a lot of different ways.
Visit us here 查找援助的详细信息和申请链接,以帮助解决财务紧急情况 or disaster recovery.- Rental and Housing Assistance
- Assistance with CalFresh Applications
- Referals to Campus and Community Services
Common Myths
Myth: 我没有资格申请经济资助,所以我甚至不应该申请.
Truth: 68%的学生获得某种形式的经济援助.
Myth: 今年我申请经济资助太晚了.
Truth: 你可以在一年中的任何时候申请助学金,但有些项目确实有截止日期
to receive aid this semester.
Helpful Links
- Financial Aid
财政援助办公室支持太阳城娱乐以学生为中心的使命 方法,通过提供援助和财务指导,使学生获得,坚持 and completion of higher education. - Scholarships
奖学金是一种礼物援助,可以用来支持学生的教育,而且确实如此 not require repayment.
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